Intersections of scripture and life

Month: March 2019

Mockingbird Ministries was kind enough to post one of my pieces, entitled “Adam Smith and the Nature of Heaven.” It delves into how the popular idea that “good people go to heaven” kind of misunderstands what heaven actually is. You can check it out here, and make sure you browse through more of the awesome content Mockingbird has to offer.  Thanks!

Ideologies, “those people” and grace

Christchurch, New Zealand | Getty Images

There is no one explanation, and perhaps no real explanation, for why someone would walk into a public space and gun down dozens of people he’s never seen before.  In some cases, like the terrorist attack in Christchurch, we can appeal to “ideology” in an attempt to make sense of what has happened. Put very simply, an ideology is a set of beliefs about the way the world should be (i.e., a set of ideals) coupled, almost always, by an account of why the world is not that way. And such an account usually involves “those people.”

“Those people” ensure that the world remains a middling-to-bad place because of their own ideologies, behavior, or even their very existence. “Those people” oppress the proletariat; they undermine family values; they maintain the heteronormative patriarchy; they’ve come here to take our jobs.

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